2020 and a brand new decade.
With massive earthquakes, devastating fires, heartbreaking loss of biodiversity and habitats, political warfare and more, how can this new decade begin any other way than with our utmost intention of creating the most positive, collective impact possible?
The beauty of the human spirit is its ability to reflect that of Mother Earth’s – her spirit is resilient and so is ours. We need every single person doing what we can, within the dark and the light of all that is happening around us, to make our shared world better.
In the next few weeks, the details of Earth Day Ecochallenge will unfold, so please stay tuned. Until then, please tell your family, friends, coworkers, classmates, and neighbors that we are getting to work this year, and everyone is needed and welcome. You can also follow us on social media, and/or support our work directly by donating. However you can, engage with us. Our actions speak, and now is the time.
2020 and beyond, our actions will speak for environmental and social good. Join us.
With gratitude,