
In addition to our Board of Directors and Executive Director, GPSEN’s accomplishments are achieved by our four core committees:  Governance; Outreach & Communications; Research & Curriculum; and Programs & Events, with teams of working group members, GPSEN Fellows, interns, and volunteers.  We recognize and celebrate the many efforts and accomplishments of GPSEN and our many partners and volunteers.

Learn about each committees’ efforts and how you can get involved:

Policy and Planning, Diversity and Equity, Grant Development, and Assessment

Outreach & Communications (O&C)
Community Outreach, Partnerships, Advocacy, Social Media, Newsletter, and Website

Programs & Events (P&E)
Symposium, Events, Workshops, Youth and College Networks, Civic Engagement, International Committee, and Networking Socials

Research & Curriculum (R&C)
Research Projects, Think Tank, GPSEN Fellows Program, Curriculum Development, and Community Database


Review a summary of our 2019-2020 Achievements.


To join a GPSEN committee, please click here.