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Forests are among the largest stores of living carbon on the planet, and it turns out that the forests of western Oregon have a higher carbon density than almost any other forest type in the world. Unfortunately, the destruction and mismanagement of these forests over the past century has transferred massive amounts of stored carbon to the atmosphere, which has contributed significantly to the warming of the planet.
We can’t change the past, but the policy choices we make today will either continue to make forests a part of the climate problem, or ensure that they are part of the solution.
Join Felice Kelly, co-lead of our Forest Defense team, to learn about Climate, Carbon, and Oregon’s Forests, and what we can do about it.
Did you know that the State of Oregon owns and manages almost a million acres of public forestland? Oregon’s “State Forests” can play a major role in fighting climate change – both by sequestering large amounts of carbon, and by mitigating the impacts of climate change – if the state shifts the management of these public lands to respond to the climate crisis.
Join us on Wednesday to hear about efforts to protect state-owned old-growth forests and transition the management of our State Forests towards more climate-smart forestry. Two community organizers from different corners of the state will be presenting, and we’ll have for a Q&A afterwards. Hope you can join!
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